Wiki History Listing

V1 Content contains a character that does not have the appearance of the human race or equivalent.

Non-human traits include but not limited to:
- non-human face and or head shape.
- non-human body.
- non-human body parts/limbs/appendages.
- furries and similar content are considered non-human.
- Non-organic characters such as anthromorphised objects and robots.

Minor non-human traits but may still be considered human:
- horns or animal ears
- wings
- partial or temporary non-human traits.
- skin color (dark elves and very human-like demons and orcs can be classified as basically human)

- Ideally, the non-human character is a part of the focus of/active in the content and not a background/supporting character.
- This tag is still applicable if there is a human character in the content.

- Useful in the case of a character who is difficult to classify or doesn't fall under common species/designations but is clearly not human.

Related Tags:
- [[no_humans]] - used when there are human-like characters including [[furry|furries]].
- [[humanoid]]
Updated by ChrisFClarke Sun, Sep 15 '24, 12:18