Help: Posts

A post represents a single file that's been uploaded. Each post can have several tags, comments, and notes. If you have an account, you can also add a post to your favorites.


Searching for posts is straightforward. Simply enter the tags you want to search for, separated by spaces. For example, searching for original panties will return every post that has both the original tag AND the panties tag.

Safe images only mode

Sometimes viewing all our images is a bit of a problem. You may not be in a location where it is acceptable to view adult content. We have a temporary, hacked together, way to only view safe images when searching our large image database. Not all images are rated correctly so you should not put too much faith into this.

You are still able to view adult images if you click the links to the posts directly.

Tag List

In both the listing page and the show page you'll notice a list of tag links with characters next to them. Here's an explanation of what they do:

This adds the tag to the current search.
This adds the negated tag to the current search.
The number next to the tag represents how many posts there are. This isn't always the total number of posts for that tag. It may be slightly out of date as cache isn't always refreshed.
Some tag links may be colored green, purple, or red. Green means the tag represents a character. Purple means the tag represents a copyright (things like anime, manga, games, or novels). Red means the tag represents an artist.

When you're not searching for a tag, by default the tag list will show the last few tags added to the database. When you are searching for tags, the tag list will show related tags, alphabetically.


Tags can be typed. Currently there are only three types: artist, character, and copyright.


Artist tags identify the tag as the artist. This doesn't mean the artist of the original copyrighted artwork (for example, you wouldn't use the barasui tag on a picture of Miu drawn by hanaharu_naruko).

When tagging something, you can tell Xbooru that a tag is an artist tag by prefixing it with artist:. For example, tagging something artist:mark tree will tag a post with mark and tree. If the mark tag doesn't already exist, it'll be created with the tag type set to artist.


Character tags identify the tag as a character. They work exactly like artist tags, only you prefix with "character" (or "char").


The copyright type indicates the tag represents an anime, a game, a novel, or some sort of copyrighted setting. Otherwise they work identically to character and artist tags, only you prefix with "copyright" instead (or "copy").


Artifacts are the residue of image processing usually left in the JPEG format. It makes the image look weird and blocky around parts of the drawing


For your convenience, here are links to some examples. Don't upload images with artifacts.

1 (No noticeable compression) | 2 Light Compression | 3 (Heavy Compression) | 4 (Ms Paint compression)